We are Ambassadors

Alongside several other All-Star players, I am currently in Chicago training for the U23 Ultimate World Championships next week in London. I am playing on the women’s team with Slim, Stevie, Cuz, Alika, Shof, and Jaclyn. Qxhna and Lisa are playing on the mixed team. While we have talked as a women’s team about how much of an impact we can have on young players and that we are ambassadors of our sport, last night was the first time this connection really showed itself to me.

After another long day of training, last night I checked my facebook and I had a message from a young woman from the Philippines explaining that I am a positive role model for her, that she has seen videos of the U19 team in Dublin and my play stuck out to her. The message made me really happy, I couldn’t stop smiling and it really encourages me to keep playing fearlessly and spreading our sport to other women throughout the world.

Our sport is amazing in so many ways. Through ultimate I have improved my communication skills, organization, leadership ability, fitness, confidence and adaptability. I love the simple nature of the sport, being able to set up cones wherever there is space, not needing an outside perspective to make calls, teaching players of all ages and abilities. Ultimate is probably the only sport I know that can be played at a competitive level for a majority of a person’s lifetime. As it continues to grow, I hope that we can keep the game simple and spirited, encouraging play at all levels. From pick-up and league play, college and club, to masters and grandmasters, men and women, boys and girls of all ages and abilities can grab a disc and work together.

Ultimate has had such an amazing and positive impact on my life and I am excited to be an ambassador as I travel to London and throughout the United States with the All-Star tour in the coming weeks.